Self-Quarantine When You're a Vagabond
How do you self-quarantine when you don't have a home? That's the question on our minds the past couple of weeks. Who knew when we divested of everything with the intention of traveling for at least a year, mostly abroad, in search of our retirement spot, that we would end up in a pandemic requiring self-isolation?! When we were in California with Emily, we would have loved to stay there, but we needed to get our car. Last week we traveled back to Florida to pick up Marina. The travel was strange and eerie - empty streets in Los Angeles, flights less than a third full, Jacksonville airport having one departing flight, the hotels with only a handful of guests. Since last Friday we have been in Cape Coral, Florida, where John's cousin Jim has graciously allowed us to roost for a couple of weeks while we re-group. It's been great to have some time to just 'be' and recuperate from 3 long days of traveling. We've had fun visiting, swimming, sharing meals. And...