
Showing posts from July, 2023

Capo D'Orlando Part Three: Explores and Adventures During Our Spring 2023 Stay

We had some fun adventures during our 10 weeks in Capo D'Orlando. Easter Along with Christmas, this is an important holiday in Italy. There was a Good Friday procession in town, but it was a bit late and we were tired, so we didn't get to that.  Photo of procession from city Facebook group. Although we didn't experience the Good Friday and Easter Sunday celebrations, we did get out to see some festivities on Palm Sunday.  After a procession from one church to the town centre, worshipers gathered at the main piazza for a service and blessing of the 'palms' (a variety of plants were represented). Plants were available for sale from vendors. As well, many people arrived with their own. I liked this Palm Sunday post in the town Facebook group. I appreciate the emphasis on Mary in Italian Catholicism. Many churches have special Mary chapels, and the holy days around Easter often emphasize the experience from her perspective as a mother. For example, on Maudy Thursday in ...